Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas - Reading "What is Christmas?" to the kids.

I read this last night to the kids before bed. Becky was not there because she is sick :( You can click on the video to go to YouTube and then click "watch in high quality" if you want a better version of it.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Too much bathroom humor in Christmas candies??

What is up with all of the "poop" candy this year. Here is what I found at Wal-Mart. (no audio)

Wednesday, December 17, 2008


On my way to my Sunday magic show, I saw a looming cloud of smoke ahead of me. I was afraid that something was on fire on the interstate. When I got to the bend I could see it was a building or home off the road a ways. Later to find out it was an oil company.

News Story Here

I guess 6 fire departments and 75 fire fighters were called in. Here comes some of them blazing down the Interstate 465.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Bush is NEO

Did you see his moves yesterday? If you missed it you can watch it here.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Happy Birthday Paul

I took Paul out to lunch for his birthday today. We celebrated hard at the Peaking Restaurant China Buffet in Plainfield.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Putting up the 2008 Christmas Tree - Time Lapse

I think it is funny what David does around 2:16 when nobody else is in the room.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Well my wife posted about all of the Classic Christmas Commercials. I thought they need to be posted.

This one made me cry when I was a kid

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


Odd weather we are having today at the office! (thanks Paul)

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Time for a guest blog

I don't know about y'all but I'm tired of looking at the 24 hour magic poster. So I will guest blog for my husband. A lot has happened in his life over the last month. He has gotten a new office. He has been working real hard. He loves his wife and has bought her a new diamond anniversary band... just because. He has won the lottery and has spent the last few weeks basking in the sun on the island of Fiji. He OK so maybe not THAT much has happened. But I promised him that if he did not update his blog, I WOULD! I will post a couple pictures from awhile back of the new airport. He did magic for the construction workers party about 6 weeks ago and got a sneak peek of the new digs. In honor of the grand opening last week, I will leave you with a few pics.

Love ya bunches honey!

PS Let's see how long it takes him to notice I've hijacked the blog. Help me keep it on the down low!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

72 Magic Shows in 24 Hours + Radio Interview

Some of you know of my latest magical stunt. I am doing 72 magic shows in 24 hours live outside to raise money for breast cancer research. Here is the press release.

72 Magic Shows in 24 Hours

To Benefit Breast Cancer Awareness and Research

On October 28th, Daniel Lusk will have a stage outside of Steak and Shake on US 36 in Avon Indiana and will attempt to do 72 magic shows in 24 hours, all to benefit the fight against Breast Cancer. It will begin at 10am on October 28th and will finish at 10am October 29th.

October 28th falls in Breast Cancer Awareness Month and International Magic Week. Magician Daniel Lusk will use the art of magic to raise money and awareness for this worthy cause.

Daniel Lusk is a comedy magician who has performed for the NBA, WNBA, many corporations, churches, private parties, and daycares all across the Midwest.

Where did the idea come from? "I wanted to do something different", states Lusk. "Well, I see many feats on TV that are based on endurance. Some even done by magicians," Lusk said. "I started wondering if it was possible to combine both endurance and magic. That's where the 72 shows in 24 hours were born."

The idea is to do three 10 minute magic shows every hour, for 24 hours straight. The schedule is planned as 10 minutes on, 10 minutes off, 10 minutes on, 10 minutes off, etc. All shows will be held on a stage outside of Steak and Shake in Avon Indiana. Besides the simple fact of staying awake for 24 hours, Lusk says staying alert may be the most difficult factor. "Magic takes a great deal of concentration ", he said. "If you don't focus and concentrate on what you are doing, the trick will fail. Throughout the night I can imagine it getting more and more difficult to stay on top of things."

Why would someone put themselves through this? The answer is simple, to raise money and awareness for one of the most deadly diseases facing women today. "A woman will die of breast cancer every 13 minutes. That's staggering. If I could wave a wand and make a cure, I would. However, it doesn't work that way. The least I can do is raise money to fund those that are on their way to making that cure appear by doing what I do best," Lusk stated. Not only will this raise awareness for Breast Cancer but all proceeds will benefit the American Cancer Society. Donations will be collected on site during the 24 hours, or you can log onto Lusk's website and donate. Steak and Shake will be giving 20% of its proceeds to the American Cancer Society from customers that come to the free shows.

"I can't imagine anything more magical than being able to look into my daughter's eyes and know that this danger has vanished from her future, "Lusk said. "It's a small step, but if we all take small steps, it would be a giant leap getting us that much closer to a cure."

I have been on a couple radio shows already and have a couple TV appearances coming up during the event. One of the interviews was on the Smiley Morning Show here in Indianapolis. They have a recording of the spot on their website. DISCLAIMER: Yes I did mess up one trick...the first one!!! It was my fault...I just got ahead of myself. The second trick was not done the way he said it was...and I got him on the third.

Here is a link to the broadcast.;Smiley+In+The+Morning&start=0&expand=true&match=query,channel&il=en&filter=0

Come out and see me Tuesday from 10AM to Wed at 10AM at the Steak 'n Shake in Avon IN.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

We are now Fireproof!

Becky, Heather, Ryan, and myself all went out to eat a bite at Olive Garden and then see Fireproof in the Avon theater.

We saw Paul Painter in the parking lot waiting for his hot date.....and guess what....they were going to see Fireproof as well.


Message = A
Acting = C+
Action = C+
Chick-fil-A product placement = A+

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Hide and Seek

Here is David playing hide and seek with me and Madelyn.
Uhhhhh..... I see you.
Madelyn had to try it as well.
I like how she hides her eyes with the flap on the couch.

Another great night of MAGIC!

Bob Evans was full tonight with families coming out to see magic. Come see me sometime.

Friday, October 10, 2008

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas.....

Well....Target has had their Christmas stuff up for three weeks and Lowes was in full Christmas swing tonight. Madelyn pointed at an inflatable helicopter with a Santa Clause in it and said, "Look at the Jesus Helicopter!"........WHAT......uhh no "Madelyn thats Santa Clause"......we quickly pointed out the inflatable manger scene. Ohhh and thats another thing. Jesus has gone inflatable. Now instead of an inflatable snowman blowing over in the winter wind....Baby Jesus might just blow by your window.

ANYWAY...... (one of these days I will dedicate a post to my hatred for inflatables)

We saw some glasses you can put on to look at Christmas lights with. I just thought they were the same type you get at 4th of July fireworks. NO....THESE THINGS ARE COOL. They actually produce crisp images or shapes around the lights. My camera phone did not pick it up as clear as you see it personally but you get the idea.
Without glasses

Star glasses

Snowman glasses

There was also Santa and Snowflake glasses.

Everything looked so nice with the Halloween decorations right next to them
Ahh the glow of the Christmas lights with a decapitated head of a blind zombie. Brings me back!

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Can I be placed on the "No rock ziplock bag list"

I cannot stand this. The person that buys houses around here has to throw LITTER in my driveway every month or so.
This form of advertising consist of 2 rocks, a ziplock bag, and their flyer. I get upset with this because not only do I have to clean up after them at my house but if the neighbors do not get theirs in time, it gets ran over, flyer gets loose, and in my yard again. It really turns me off to any company that does this. Have you ever received one of these "goodie bags"?

Sunday, October 5, 2008

It's Puggle Time.

I help teach Puggles during Wedneday night church.  The Puggles are 2 and 3 year olds.  They are a lot of fun.

Here are the Puggles singing.

Here they are showing off their mussles!

Friday, October 3, 2008

Happy Birthday Peter!

WATCH OUT...he will get ya. Happy Birthday Brother!

Burger Time

Time to make some burgers....and I did not have to fight evil hotdogs to do it (see video above).

Here I am with my "Secret Sauce". I have a great mixture for the meat as well. Becky and the kids love them. The clouds behind me look nasty but it was just overcast....and cool.


Thursday, October 2, 2008

Look at me. I'm a cartoon. This picture was done by Richard Scott Morris. He is a professional caricature artist and illustrator. This was done at a large corporate event that I was a part of. He was very nice with the amount of hair he gave me. Have you ever been drawn at a theme park or have a caricature done of yourself. POST IT so we can all see it.

Richard's website is

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Davids Train Table

David loves his train table. He really loves to get a new track EVERY DAY! Guess who has to build it. He is getting better at making tracks himself but they do not seem to work right. I have come up with some fairly cool designs (or at least believe so). The problem is that they only last for a day or so.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

My hotdog octopus

Not knowing that Becky had made hotdog octopuses the day before I made mine, I took a shot at it. Here are how mine turned out.

Madelyn touches to see if it is still alive.

David tries to get a good look.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Stocks dropin like the're hot! $700B bailout. Can you tell when they voted by the chart? HA!

My new hat

I got a new hat at S&K Mens Warehouse the other day. I was not sure about it at first but have come to like it.

Here I am too cool for school.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Long weekend

I just finished a two day event this weekend. Freddie Fever said my magic was "Honk Honk". Here I am with Freddie and the dance troop. I did a total of 4 magic shows and walk around.

My friend Paul does an awesome pirate show.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Halloween Store

After our nice dinner out at Olive Garden last night, we stopped by the Halloween Store. We had fun.......

Friday, September 26, 2008


Washington Mutual Bank fell today and went down in history as the largest US Bank to ever fall. As a small business owner, the current situation with the $700 Billion bail out is concerning. But it has been said that people will spend their last cent on their own entertainment. Let's just hope that holds true.